Saturday, June 6, 2009


At a recent YNPN event Tim Delaney, CEO of the National Council of Nonprofits encourage us all to tell our stories. I believe that we need to listen to and act on this now more then ever due to the cuts being made to social services. Below is a copy on one of the emails I have since set to my governor and state legislators. What's your story and have you told it? I encourage my fellow YNPNers, MNPS students and others to act on this advice. Our group may be new and growing, but we have creative, intellegent, passionate minds that when put together can do great good for our community. So lets flex our collective muscle and show what it means to concerned and engaged Young Nonprofit Proffessional.

As a concerned citizen and a young nonprofit professional I implore you to pass a budget that avoids slashing services and consider the tax increases that have been proposed. I have worked with several valley nonprofits and have witnessed the strain they are under as more people ask for help and less funds are available to do the work. Sojourner Center, a shelter I work for in Phoenix is positioned to loose $400,000 in DES funding or 7,200 nights of safe stay for women and children. Last summer success of not turning away a single caller in need will not happen this summer and in the future if the current budget passes. These past weeks alone have shown the need for these vital services as multiple media stories of increase in violence have surfaced with several resulting in women and children beeing brutally murdered at the hands of there abusers. A 10 year old girl died in one incident and 5 year old boy in another, he 5 year old boy once stayed at one of our shelters. Neither one of these children was able to comprehend why their lives where taken or how it could have been prevented, but you and I as concerned citizens can and cutting life saving services is not the way to proceed. Please do not abandon these individuals when their needs are the greatest and they desperately need someone to stand up for them. I would gladly pay more in sales tax or except higher prices from business that get taxed, if it means a child does not go hungry, have to spend a night in fear, or get low quality education. The same goes for many other disadvantaged or disabled populations. So once again I beg you please to help protect those that need it most by passing a budget that is considerate of their needs.

MNpS Graduate
Young Nonprofit Professional
Concerned Citizen

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